We are 6 seasons into one of our favorite reality shows, The Circle on Netflix. While some of the casting process and what filming The Circle is like, our chats with Joey Sasso, Brandon Baker, Alex Lake and Cassie Saylor have spilled some piping hot tea we just had to recap for you.

The cast doesn’t know if they made it until the day before filming!
In our chat with this season’s winner of The Circle, Brandon Baker aka Olivia, he revealed that the cast doesn’t get official word that they’ve made the cast until the day before!
The final potential cast flies out to the set in Atlanta and then find out the day prior they’ll be moving into their themed apartments. Can you imagine!?
They have strict packing guidelines.
The Circle production team wants to make sure the cast isn’t sneaking in anything they shouldn’t in their suitcases. The cast must create a list of everything they’re bringing and have a list of what they’ll definitely need to get through the entire filming process.
While they are strict about not bringing in any tech and take your phones, tablets and laptops, unique items aren’t off limits. Season 6’s Steffi brought her skeleton buddy, and of course, who can forget Kyle and Deuce the french bulldog!
The cast had to sneak in to the Netflix is a Joke Festival.
You’d think 6 seasons in to a hit Netflix show, the cast of The Circle would be first in line to get on the VIP list for big events. Brandon Baker revealed that’s not the case! While the cast of all 6 seasons did happen to be in LA for the wrap party, they didn’t make the list to also attend the 2024 Netflix is a Joke festival.
Not to worry though. These guys are pros at catfishing their way into fan hearts, and that includes security at the festival. After a bit of social engineering, they got the VIP treatment and got to check out Netflix is a Joke in person.
Life Doesn’t Change Much After the Show
We all know being on a hit Netflix show has its perks, but for most cast members, being on The Circle doesn’t change their day to day lives too much.
Cassie Saylor and catfish Olivia aka Brandon both returned to work after filming wrapped. Cassie even mentioned that coming from a small town, she doesn’t get treated any differently by her friends and neighbors. It’s just another day in the life of a Netflix star.
Spin Offs Aren’t Out of the Question
We all know Season 1’s Joey Sasso didn’t stop with his win on The Circle. While most cast members return to their day to day lives, some have the opportunity to appear on other Netflix shows. Joey famously got engaged on his season of Perfect Match and while it didn’t work out with his ex-fiancee Sexy Beast’s Kariselle Snow, we also got to see him briefly on the new Amazon FreeVee reality show, The GOAT alongside Netflix alum from Love is Blind Lauren Speed. So don’t count out spinoffs or guest appearances from your favorite cast members in the future!
Would you go on The Circle as yourself or a catfish?
You can listen to the full interviews with the cast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods!